By: Robert Klaus
September 17, 2021
An end to the pandemic doesn’t quite seem as close as it once did, and it feels like people are fed up: fed up with masks, fed up with feeling unsafe and, according to Power Pollers, fed up with folks not getting the vaccine.
Last week President Biden mandated that employers with more than 100 employees require vaccination or implement weekly COVID testing. And rumor has it that many businesses are quietly cheering President Biden’s mandate because it takes the decision out of their hands. A whopping majority (81%) of Serafin Power Pollers said they approve of President Biden’s mandate, with only 19% against it.
In his speech announcing the mandate, Biden sharply criticized Americans who could be vaccinated but are choosing not to be, saying, “Our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us.” We asked Serafin Power Pollers if they agreed that unvaccinated Americans are putting the country at risk. More than three-quarters of respondents said yes and that they are losing patience with the voluntarily unvaccinated. Another 19% responded that they believe people should get the vaccine but not that the government should make it mandatory. Only 4% disagreed with the President’s comments, saying it is an individual choice as to get the vaccine or not.
Between the rise of the Delta variant, the reinstatement of mask mandates and travel warnings to nearly every state in the entire country, we’re not able to be as carefree as many of us were hoping. We asked Serafin Power Pollers how these latest developments impacted their feelings toward traveling and 63% said they were more cautious now but would still be heading out of town. Another 24% said the developments are making them less likely to travel, while 13% said they are unconcerned about the safety of travel.
As the COVID pandemic has raged on for more than a year and a half, the total economic impact of the crisis will not be fully clear for some time. One thing is certain: businesses of all stripes have had to adjust to survive. We asked our Serafin Power Pollers how they felt their workplace’s financial performance was, compared to this time last year and about 50% said they felt it was roughly the same. Perhaps signaling an economic improvement, 36% said their financial performance was better, while 11% said it was worse.
Well, the Bears are 0-1 after losing to the Rams earlier this week and some fans are clamoring for Justin Fields to take over as starting QB. Sure, it’s early in the season, but we gauged Serafin Power Poller’s optimism in this Bear’s team and…it’s not great. Only 13% said they expected the Bears to make the playoffs, with 87% saying they had no hopes of the Bears reaching the postseason.
Of course, if we’re talking postseasons, we should be talking White Sox! Thanks to those who responded to this month’s poll and keep your eyes out for the October edition of the Serafin Power Poll.